Presented at the Club’s AGM on Tuesday 25th April 2023, here is a summary of the Trophies and the Winners for the 2022-2023 season.
Club Cup
Fished at Westwood Lakes on Skylark Sunday 22nd May
This year’s winner is Graham Wright. Fishing peg 10 (opposite the Mallard Lounge Bar). Graham finished with 57 lbs 12 oz. Despite trying different baits and lines, homemade paste at 5 metres proved to be the only way to catch for Graham.
Doxham Rose bowl
Fished at Decoy Lakes on Horseshoe Lake Sunday 12th June
This year’s Winner is Nathan Grech who took First place following an outstanding last 90 minutes with 88 lb 6 oz from peg number 12. Nathan opted for a change in tactic to bomb and pellet to add over 70lb to his final total.
Exeter Trophy
Fished at Kingsland on Silvers Lake Sunday 19th June
Chairman Andy Wilson won the Exeter Trophy with 58lb 2oz from peg number 3. Fishing the top 4 of his pole in left-hand margin, using 10mm hard pellet hair rigged over 4mm pellet.
Committee Cup
Fished at Float Fish Farm on 2 Islands Sunday 3rd July
Winner of the Committee Cup was Second place on the day to Mick Wright and is Ray Torrington with 85lbs 1oz from peg number 6. Ray caught four carp on pellet using both method feeder and straight lead. The remainder were taken using short pole on cat meat in the right-hand margin.
Individual Knockout Cup
Final round fished at DSJAC Horseshoe Lake Sunday 10th July
Finishing in Third place on the day, but winning a 3-way final round with Mike Moseley and Graham Wright, 2023 winner is Phil Price. Phil fished the pellet waggler and on the surface with dog biscuit and ended with 36lb 15oz from peg 17.
Dennis Clarke Cup
Fished at DSJAC Horseshoe Lake Sunday 10th July (not recorded properly – due to admin error!)
2021 winner Ray Torrington got himself back to winning ways following a poor run of form in this match. Ray finished way ahead of the rest of the field with 96lb 5oz from Peg 35. Fishing the surface on dog biscuit and using the pellet waggler.
Newman Cup
Fished at Decoy lakes on Six Islands Sunday 17th July
Winner was Paul Wild who found himself “down breeze” in the corner peg number 23 and finished with a personal best of 122lb 5oz to take first place. Paul fished paste on the pole at 2+ 2 but most fish fell to 8mm pellet on the bomb against the island. (Special Note: mention the Gudgeon caught by the Chairman)
Away Day Cup
Fished at Buttonhole Lake Sunday 7th August
It was the return of the Away Day Cup and the first name back on it will be Dave Preston. Dave finished with 132lb 11oz from Peg number 23 in the basin. Dave fished the worm over pellets to 13m on the pole.
John Slack Memorial Trophy
Fished at Kingsland on Silvers Sunday 21st August
Fine margins in the John Slack Memorial Trophy, with Kevin Crompton winning by just an ounce! Kevin fished Peg number 2 in the middle of the 3 east end pegs and ended up with 31lbs 4oz. Fishing on the pole with Pellet and his new favourite bait punched cat meat in the margins.
Fenland Cup
Final round of 4 Fished at Kingsland on Silvers Sunday 21st August
Renamed for this year from the South Holland cup where match venues are difficult to come by and fished for at both Decoy and Kingsland venues
Paul Wild needed just 3 points from this 4th and final round with Nathan Grech and Andy Wilson in joint second place and only a win would have been good enough to trouble Paul. Paul managed to get 4 points and 7th place to take the Fenland Cup in 2022

Pairs Cup
Fished at Float Fish Farm Wagtail Lake Sunday 4th September
Jason Chatham gets his name on the trophy for a third time along with a new name -Steve Borrett. The draw saw the pair with 199lb 14oz as a combined overall weight.
Jim Measures Memorial Cup
Fished at Westwood Lakes Falcon Lake Sunday 18th September
Winner Dave Preston fishing from the end peg of the allocated section finished in 1st Place. Weighing in an impressive total of 89 lbs 8 oz from Peg 51. Dave eventually working out white maggot over micros in the margin was the way to go.
John Harris Cup
Fished at Rookery Waters on Jay Lake Sunday 16th October
Making it 2 wins out of 2 Dave Preston made the most of the end peg and finished in first place with an impressive 76 lbs from peg 15. Dave fished to his left targeting the platform of peg 16. Fishing Sweetcorn over micros on the pole for the whole match.
Les Wiles Cup
Fished at DSJAC Horseshoe Lake on Sunday 23rd October
On his first “fishing” visit to Horseshoe Lake, the winner is Paul Barron. Paul fished peg number 13 and finished with 61lbs 14oz. Fishing the hybrid feeder and wafters to the far bank. Beating Jason Chatham to first place by only 3 oz’s ! Included in Paul’s weight was a 12lb 15oz carp.
Wade Cup
Fished over 3 rounds at DSJAC Horseshoe Lake.
It was also close after the final round of the wade cup with only 12lbs separating the top 3 spots. Ray Torrington’s 34lb 1oz was enough to crown him Wade Cup Winner 2022 with an overall weight of 154lb 11oz

Remembrance Shield
Fished on DSJAC River Welland stretch in Deeping St James Sunday 13th November
Dave Preston made the most of the space and the fish to finish in top spot. Dave finished with 9lb 3 oz from peg number 16. Fishing two lines on the pole with maggot over ground bait for a nice bag of Roach
Dave Dawkins River Cup
Fished on both the Fish Refuge in January and the inform River Nene at Sibson in February
The Dave Dawkins River Cup is a new trophy that was fished for the very first time this year. In honour of the late Dave Dawkins who died last year, a club bailiff for many years around the Crowland area.
With a combined weight of 20lbs 7oz the prestigious first name on the trophy is Antony Johnson.

Several Fisheries Trophy
Fished over 2 matches normally on the River Welland, but this year the Welland in November 2022 and the Nene in March 2023
With a combined weight from both matches of 19lbs Antony Johnson

Non-Cup Winners Cup
Fished at the final match of the season normally on Horseshoe Lake, but this year on the Fish Refuge due to high water levels at the lake on Sunday 19th March 2022. Awarded to the highest placed angler who has not already won a trophy during the season.
This year’s winner is a returning member of the club enjoying the prolific sport on the Nene at Sibson during the last months of the season Andrew P Wilson.
Deeping Individual League Series (DILS)
The angler with the highest points totals from any four rounds of the five rounds fished
Fished on both the River Nene and the Fish Refuge December 2022 to March 2023. There were only two anglers competing in the final round, Ray Torrington and Antony Johnson. Drawing the bowl certainly helped him, but he finishing in first place on the day and rounded DILS off with 39 points from a possible 40 (three wins and one second place) this years DILS winner is Antony Johnson

Billing Cup
Best 3 Summer weights plus best 3 winter weights in 2022/2023
Last year’s winner was Ray Torrington with 427 lb 8 oz – (102lb over 2nd place). This year things were a little tighter with just 37 lb separating the top 4 anglers. Second place was 349 lb 11 oz, but with a combined weight of 357 lb 8oz (just under 8lb more) the Billing Cup winner is once again Ray Torrington.

Club Champion
Fished over 10 points matches in both Summer and Winter during 2022 / 2023
Another trophy that has been dominated by Ray Torrington over recent years. Won by Ray last year by a margin of 35 points over second place. This year it was a 3-horse race going in to the last match with Ray in the mix. The points margins were very fine, but securing by 7th place by just 2 oz over 8th and only one point less than Ray in 6th this year’s winner is Jason Chatham.

Specimen Cup
Biggest Specimen caught in 2022 / 2023
Kevin Crompton 13 lb 1 oz Carp from Buttonhole Lake on 7th August (beating a 12lb 8oz from Phil Price at same venue)
Russel Hole Trophy
The Russel Hole Trophy is given to a member of the club identified as going beyond what is expected of a club or committee member.
This year for running the Clubs website, social media and Club Day events it goes Jason Chatham