The Contractor is now ready to begin repairs to the roadways at both Sibson and Stibbington.
Monday 13th May 2024
The access road from the Quarry to Horseshoe Lake will have 40 Tonnes of Hardcore laid. This will be made up of 2 deliveries of 20 Tonnes.
Improved River Parking areas will be created.
The 2 new River Pegs will have the bank lowered.
This will mean from 08:30 – 17:00 you can expect delays in getting to and from Horseshoe Lake.
The Landlord has also agreed to look into further improvements in the road surface from the Entrance Gates down to the Quarry area now that he has finished his Sugar Beet harvest.
Tuesday 14th May2024
The access road from the Gateway to all car parks at Stibbington will have 40 Tonnes of Hardcore laid. This will be made up of 2 deliveries of 20 Tonnes.
A wider access around the gateway will be created.
This will mean from 08:30 – 17:00 you can expect delays in getting to and from the Fish Refuge
Wednesday 15th May 2024
The Fish Refuge inlet channel, Refuge Pegs 1-7 and the outlet channel will be dredged.
This will mean from 08:30 – 17:00 you can expect disruption if wanting to fish the Refuge.
Hopefully the work will be completed to plan and in 3 days, but please watch out for an update on Facebook.